FCWL Judicial Endorsement

If you are interested in seeking the endorsement of Fresno County Women Lawyers, please email your endorsement request using the link below with your accompanying answers to the enumerated questions .

This information will be shared with the Fresno County Women Lawyers Board of Directors. The Board will review the request and reach out to the candidate for an interview. The Board will make a determination as to the approval or rejection of the request. After a determination is made, and if the judicial candidate is approved for endorsement, the FCWL Board President will submit the name of the candidate to the Central Valley Unity Bar for their consideration of endorsement. 


1. Are you a member of Fresno County Women Lawyers?

2. Briefly describe what contributions you have made to women in the legal field.

3. Briefly describe why it would be important to you to have the endorsement of Fresno County Women Lawyers.