Yoga in the Park
Join FCWL in celebrating Earth Day with Yoga in the Park in Woodward Park!
Do something that makes your soul happy!
$10 suggested donation to support FCWL 2025 philanthropy efforts.

23rd Annual Judicial Reception
FCWL is pleased to honor Judge Maria Diaz in her recent appointment to the Fresno County judiciary. Join us in welcoming her to the bench, with an evening of libations and appetizers.
RSVP to FCWLpresident@gmail.com. You won’t want to miss this incredible event hosted by McCormick Barstow, FCWL’s Diamond Annual Sponsor.

Ethics in the Legal Profession; In and Out of the Courtroom
The Honorable Kristi Culver-Kapetan and Honorable Lisa Gamoian, from the Fresno County Superior Court, share their insights and experience on Ethics in the Legal Profession; located in the Sisk Jury Assembly Room.

33rd Annual Hanson Dinner
Please join FCWL for its 33rd Annual Justice Pauline Hanson Dinner! The annual event features prominent speakers in the legal community and award the recipients of the prestigious Hanson Scholarship, Hanson Award, and the newly minted LaRue Award.

From Lawyer to Judge, And Everything In Between
Join a panel of distinguished local judges as they share their experiences in transitioning from lawyer to the bench.
Honorable Monica Diaz, Honorable Irene Luna, Honorable Stephanie Negin, and Honorable Noelle Pebet, from the Fresno County Superior Court, will lead discussion in the Sisk Jury Assembly Room.

Annual Judicial Reception
Fresno County Women Lawyers honors the women who have been elected or appointed to the Superior Court, Court of Appeal, and the U.S. District Court in the past year. The reception will feature a well-attended cocktail hour, hors d'oeuvres, and a reception welcoming those to the bench.