Annual Justice Pauline Hanson Dinner

Making a stand.

Pauline Davis grew up on the family ranch in Selma, California. Her achievements during her 67 years were remarkable: graduate of Stanford Law School; executive secretary to Assemblyman Charles Garrigus; the first law clerk; then the first principal attorney at the Fifth District Court of Appeal. In 1977, Governor Jerry Brown appointed her to the Fresno County Superior Court where she served for three years before being elevated to Associate Justice of the Fifth District Court of Appeal. She served there until her medical retirement in 1987.

Always deeply concerned about legal and human issues, she adhered to a high standard for intellectual rigor and integrity which remains a rich legacy to women who follow her in legal careers. During her career as a lawyer, judge, wife, mother, and community activist, Justice Hanson made many friends and became a role model for women of varied backgrounds and aspirations. She died August 19, 1989.

If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain. If I can ease one life the aching or cool one pain, or help one fainting Robin onto his nest again, I shall not live in vain.
— Emily Dickinson

Fresno County Women Lawyers takes great pleasure in continuing to recognize Justice Pauline Hanson’s spirit and leadership through an annual dinner that we host in her honor and established a scholarship to encourage and support academic achievement and commitment to service by women. This event serves as a platform to recognize and support aspiring female lawyers who are dedicated to making a difference in the legal community and aims to award scholarships to deserving individuals who have shown outstanding dedication, commitment, and potential in the field of law.

Join us for an evening of inspiration, networking, and celebration as we come together to support and uplift the next generation of female legal professionals. Your attendance and contributions will play a crucial role in shaping the future of our legal community.

Save the date for this significant event and stay tuned for more details on how you can be a part of this wonderful initiative.

We look forward to your presence and support at the next FCWL Pauline Hanson Dinner!